Marina Project

Unfortunately this is not one to visit yet, as it's not due to open until 2023, but the Marina Project is one to have on your radar as a perfect representation of emotional escapism with its modular curved concrete structures nestled in amongst the natural wildlife of the Spree River baths in the Rummelsburg neighbourhood of Berlin.

A project from Slow, a hospitality collective by Design Hotels founder Claus Sendlinger that draws on the learnings of the slow movement -to be adaptive, to reuse, to embrace regenerative agriculture -their aim is to offer more conscious forms of hospitality.

Designed to be a destination where people can come together to share ideas and truly embrace togetherness, wellbeing, sustainability and slowness, the campus will house 42 guest rooms, a library and a ground floor exhibition space all run on green energy, supported by biodynamic agriculture and upholding the preservation of ancient spiritual practices.


Jigi Poke
