We face choices every day. Decision making is seemingly straightforward and linear, but is it fit for purpose in business today?

The language of decision-making offers opportunities for learning and change through choice and risk. During this year's festival we will celebrate the non-linear, the circular, the unobvious and the things that shouldn't work but do. The aim is to help you make better choices by raising your awareness and learning from others. In the process, you will discover new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Non-linear Thinking

We want to explore how decisions are made, how they impact ROI, company culture and all the people within the hospitality ecosystem.

The Circular Economy

As a team of hospitality creators and operators, we need to have more conversations about how we build, measure and most importantly progress resilient systems that work for business, communities and the environment.

It shouldn't work, but it does

Some of the greatest exploration and innovation comes from taking risks and making mistakes. How do we use this to our advantage and should we encourage it as part of our culture?

Collective Intelligence

How do we harness, share and use the knowledge and data we have for the benefit of our industry and the world?